Well, this week went pretty well. On Tuesday, we had the meetings for trainers and new missionaries pretty much all day. Well, the funny part was when we were sitting in the chapel, and President Baquerizo was announcing the new companionship's. I was sitting with the trainers, and I saw that there were 4 of each left. 3 of the new missionaries were gringos, and one Latin. the trainers were 2 and 2.
One of us would train a gringo. I was the last one left to be assigned, and my new companion is Elder Ibañez from New Mexico. We got on a bus up to the terminal at 6, took off around 7, and got home at 11:30. It was a very long day. Wednesday morning we stayed home, Elder Ibañez was feeling sick.
So a little about Elder Ibañez. He´s from New Mexico, his dad´s family comes from Chile, and his mom´s from Mexico. He already speaks a lot of Spanish, so that's pretty easy. He is kinda shy, but is very obedient, and knows why he is here. Its very strange having a companion that speaks English. So strange.
This week was full of good work. President yet again raised the bar on finding, and it challenged my faith. It has definitely, however, made me work harder, and I love it. We are talking to more people in the street, and trying to find more through the members. I feel the spirit more working hard, and It has been really neat.
This week we actually had investigators at church, and a few! First was Andrea, a lady we found 6 weeks ago tracting. She went on vacation for about a month, but now she´s back, and super excited about church.
Its such a blessing having such great investigators. Juan and Ana also came to church for the first time, and they've read from the Book of Mormon! I was so happy when they told us, we've been trying so hard for them, for so long. Its great to see them progressing, and a lot. The last people who came to church was the Mora family, who we found last week. They left after the first hour, because the husband was having some knee pain. It was amazing having people in church again, and I felt so blessed.
I have learned this week to follow the Spirit more, and to love unconditionally. I feel like I have become the missionary Ive wanted to be my whole mission, and I am so grateful for this time the Lord has given me. I know that God loves his children, and that he Always will help us to change and get better.
Thanks for reading!
Elder Beck
Elder Ibanez y Elder Beck
Grupo de Nuevos y sus companeros