Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Week 8 in La Candelaria

Week #31
This week was great. 
On Monday night last week, our appointments fell through, and we ended up looking for some old investigators from our area. Around 8pm we found Elisabet, who was visited by the missionaries years ago. Her 5 children are all members, and now less active. They are all adults, and super friendly. We were able to visit them Wednesday night, and it was really neat visiting them. They are such a great family, you can really feel the love in their home. Wow that sounds cheesy. Elisabet wasn't baptized earlier because she had problems with her spouse, but now seems very prepared, and we are very excited to be reactivating their family. 
On Thursday we had a specialized training with President Lozano. He taught about finding new investigators, they key indicators, and contacting. It was really interesting, and I have a lot of ideas on how I can improve. The best part was seeing Elder Hurtado. Apparently he left Neiva, and is now here in Bogota again! It was really great catching up with him. He told me that one of our investigators, Carolina Herrera was baptized shortly after I left! Also that one of the contacts we made was progressing and going to church. It was great to hear that things are going well in my old area, and I was really happy to hear some good news. 
On Friday night we had a Family Home Evening with the Morillos, a family in our ward that is reactivating. They invited 3 friends, who are not members. We started out by playing a few games, and had a lot of fun, and then shared a message about the Atonement. Yesterday in church, the Morillos told us that tonight their friends want to hear our message, so we are going to visit them later! Its great to find people that want to listen to us and are interested in our church. 
On Saturday we had an appointment with Wilson and Brandon, two old investigators in our area. They are 15 and 16, and are really great. We shared with them the message of the restoration, and I felt really good teaching, and felt I was able to break out of the routine of teaching the first lesson. The best part was that we invited them to Fernanda´s baptism the same night, and they went!
Oh, also we had a baptism Saturday night! It was a bit of a fiasco, but everything ended well. The baptism was planned for 5pm, so we got to the chapel at 2pm to start filling the baptismal font. When we got there, the baptismal font was already full, and smelt really bad. So we had to drain the font, which took about 90 minutes, and then clean it. We started filling it up at 3:30, and we didn't have time to fill with warm water, which was a bit inconvenient. At about 4 Andres Torres called us (Fernanda´s brother) and told us they wouldn't be able to make it at 5, but more about 630, BUT Elder Martinez didn't recognize his voice, and thought he was an investigator, so we went along getting everything ready. People started to show up around 5, and just after 5 we called Fernanda to see what happened. Then we found out that she wouldn't be coming for about an hour more. It was very uncomfortable, but we were able to get a few members to stay, and we put on the movie of Joseph Smith, which lasted about an hour. So at about 630 everyone started to get restless. At 7pm when the member of the bishopric was about to leave, Fernanda and Andres showed up. We promptly got the baptismal service started, and got everything done. Although it was VERY stressful, I was able to feel a peace as I stated the words of the baptismal prayer, and baptized Fernanda. 
Yesterday (Sunday) went well. We were able to make a visit to Zully, who is a reference from another ward nearby. She is a single mother, and has 2 smaller sons. I'm not sure if Ive mentioned her before, but she had her baptismal date for this Saturday. In our visit last night, we were able to be direct with her, and she told us she felt better to be baptized next week. I felt a lot better knowing it was her goal, and not only ours. So the cool thing is we have baptisms in 2 weeks that are pretty secure. 
Thats pretty much all the news for this week. It was a great week, and I am very happy. I am so glad to be able to see the miracles of the Lord in the people here and be one of His servants. I know that through the Atonement of Christ, we can live free. 
Thanks so much for reading!
Pictures: Fernanda´s baptism, me drinking giant bottle of Colombiana, and pictures of Bogota from my area

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